Each director of a company is issued a distinct identification number referred to as a DIN, comprising eight digits. In cases where a director holds multiple DINs due to circumstances such as fraud, bankruptcy, or disassociation from the company, immediate action must be taken. This could entail the surrender of the extra DINs by filing a DIR-5 form with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) through a professional corporate registrar. It is imperative to follow the required legal processes and protocols to address such scenarios and ensure adherence to pertinent regulations.
Reasons to Surrender your DIN:-
The procedure to surrender DIN is a legal process that will require the DIR-5 form filing and documentation.
Sujata Associates will take care of the legal process by doing the documentation and filing the form to surrender your DIN. Our services are easy to get online even during the Covid-19 pandemic. DIN surrender in Kolkata is just a click away.